Free Shipping on Orders over $199.00  $150.00 for a limited time

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Please note that our office space is not currently a retail space, so we will kindly redirect you to one of our retailers nearby.

What to do if you do not have a local retailer of our fine products. Please go to your local independent Pharmacy, Organic grocery store, or Health Food Store (please do not contact national chains stores) and show them the product you use and explain to them how it helps you and that you would like to buy locally. Please email us the name of the store with the address and who you spoke to, ask them to mention your name when they set up a wholesale account. Once they set up an account and make their first standard order, we will ship you $200.00 of our products as a thank you!


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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Back2Basics Chiro - Dr. Heather Cassese
APX Office: 7303 VanClaybon Rd. Apex, NC 27523

Back2Basics Chiro - Dr. Heather Cassese -PBO
PBO Office: 184 East St. Pittsboro, NC 27312 (919)303-2500

Bailey Pharmacy
6311 Deans Street Bailey NC 27807

Barefoot Hardware
12072 Hwy 210 south Spring Lake NC 28390

Broadway Hardware
305 N Main Street Broadway NC 27505